MoodletWhen creating Moodlet, my goal was to address the gap current journaling apps have for neurodivergent people. I wanted to cater the functions, design and language to ND people, particularly to work around memory and attention differences and possible comorbidities (depression, anxiety, etc.).
This app is aimed towards creating a habit with journaling through short form inputs that are prompted throughout the day, and if you feel so inclined, you are able to do a full written out journal at the end of the day.
The special point of this app is its usage of sentiment analysis AI, which analyses your short form inputs to create mood and self-talk charts. These two pieces of information help the user get a better understanding of how their moods have been over a period of time and offers a summary of their self talk. This can help the user on a path of altering the way that they talk to themselves, which in turn may help improve moods.
Design Category
UI Design
Brand Design
Initial planning and brand guidelines were taking precedent from other journaling apps that made an emphasis on emotional regulation with use of color (ex. blue tones to encourage calm/content emotion).